Data Sources

Data Sources

Attendee Intelligence Monitoring Tool
We build attendee lists leveraging our attendee monitoring tracking tool. The tool monitors executives from multiple sources who can be your prospective customers, such as website registrants, training participants, webinar attendee registrants, whitepaper and newsletter recipients, trade publication subscribers, journal subscribers, conference attendees, and prospective attendees from social media groups internationally.

We extract basic details from our attendee monitoring tracking tool and compare it with our master directory which includes millions of B2B opt-in contacts and add the missing details.

Once the list is all-inclusive, we run an email campaign to confirm the attendance of the companies in the event. Once confirming their presence through an email survey, we will reconfirm their attendance with a phone call.


Following the final confirmation, we send out opt-out emails asking them if they are interested in receiving third-party information pertained to the event and the industry such as whitepapers and e-books. We keep our database updated removing attendees who are not interested in our ad-on services. So you can be sure to receive accurate data from us.

For high-quality data for your upcoming event, get in touch with us now.


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